Gaetano Curzi: Reflexes of Iconoclasm and Iconophilia in the Roman Wall Paintings and Mosaics of the 8th and 9th Centuries

Nicoletta Usai: Paintings in the Church of San Julián de los Prados in Oviedo An Analysis of Aniconic Paintings in the Framework of Art in the Mediterranean

Francesca Dell’Acqua: Iconophilia in Italy, c. 680-880 – A European Project and Its Method

Stephanie Azzarello: Iconoclasm and Anti-Semitic Imagery in a Fifteenth-Century Venetian Choir Book

Yoshie Kojima: Iconoclasm and Iconophilia in Cistercian Art. Cloister Sculpture of Fontfroide, Alcobaça, and Chiaravalle della Colomba

Dmitriy Antonov: Miniatures under Attack: Damaged Figures in Russian Iconography

Olga Chumicheva: Iconoclasm and Iconophilia in Late Medieval Russia.The State of Research and New Concepts

Saša Brajović – Milena Ulčar: Silver Covers, Iron Grids and Sensory Experience. Simultaneousness of Iconoclastic and Iconophilic Nature of Veneration in the Early Modern Bay of Kotor

Alice Byrne: St George – Iconoclasm, Iconophilia and England’s Patron Saint (1534-1553)

Lidija Matošević: Iconoclasm as a Side Effect of the Reformation

Tamara Quírico: Michelangelo’s Last Judgement:Art and Religion Between Reformation and Counter-Reformation

Rachel Miller: Peter Paul Rubens’s Investigation of the Origins of Idolatry and Iconoclasmin the Jesuit Church of Antwerp

Yvonne Dohna Schlobitten: L’estetico può possedere un senso veritativo?Contemporaneità dell’icona, icone nella contemporaneità

Enrico Garlaschelli: La questione dell’icona in un’epoca apparentemente iconofila, ma molto vicina all’antica iconoclastia

Nadežda Elezović: Sacred in Modern Abstract Art

Vladimir P. Goss: Minimalism as Iconophilia. The Case of Yves Klein

Ana Šeparović: Desirable and Stigmatized: Subject, Form and Content as the Main Categories in the Discourse of Croatian Socialist Realist Art Criticism

Richard Gregor: Occasional Iconography (Iconology) of Stano Filko’s Altars

Cristian Nae: Revisiting IconoclashPostsecularism, Religion and Politics in Contemporary Art from Romania

Dmitrii Doronin: The ‘Soft Iconoclasm’ in Vernacular Orthodoxy of Volga Finns

Karen von Veh: Revisiting Religion. Iconoclasm as Renewal in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Arthur Valle: Afro-Brazilian Religions, Visual Culture and Iconoclasm

Ana Munk: Has ISIS Gone Hollywood? Visual Strategies and Images of Destruction in ISIS’s Magazines Dabiq and Rumiyah

Noa Yuval-Hacham: Strah od slika: ikonofobija i ikonoklazam među Židovima i Samarićanima u kasnoj antici

Dmitriy Antonov – Mikhail Maizuls: Ruina idolorum – Iconography of Christian idoloclasm: East and West

Silvia Marin Barutcieff: No Limits: Iconoclasm and Iconophilia in Contemporary Romania
The Attitudes towards Saint Christopher’s Modern Iconography

Svea Janzen: Lenin resurrected?

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